Logo -Rainbow silhouette of St. Francis with the words St. Francis Episcopal Church.

 Event Registration

"Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3

Upcoming Registration Events

In order to be good stewards of our resources, we ask for people to volunteer or register in advance for some events. If you are interested in attending or volunteering for one of the events below, please click on the registration link. You can also register through your Realm account.

Macon Mayhem hockey team logo

Parish Night Out at the Macon Mayhem Hockey Game

Join us at the Macon Coliseum at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 15th to cheer on Macon Mayhem Hockey vs. Roanoke Rail Yard Dawgs. The theme is Margaritaville so dig out those Jimmy Buffet shirts! Tickets are $27.97 (including fees) and can be purchased at https://maconmayhem.com/tickets/single-game/. Parking is $5 per car. We will sit in Section 208, Rows BB, CC, and DD. Remember it’s chilly in the arena so dress warmly! Any questions can be sent to Brittney.Kish.Lightsey@gmail.com. See you there! Please RSVP by registering below.

Altar Flowers

Donate Altar Flower

Altar flowers beautify our worship to the glory of God every single Sunday. Please complete this registration to select the Sundays you would like to donate and dedicate flowers in memory, honor, or in celebration of someone or something special. 

If you would like to donate altar flowers, a donation of $50.00 is recommended to cover the cost of the altar flowers.

If you have any questions, please call the church office (478-477-4616) or contact Susan Locke at rslocke844@gmail.com.

*When you register, please put a check mark beside the dates you want to donate altar flowers on the left side of the screen AND scroll to the bottom of the page to answer the questions about the dedication. 

picture of an Easter Lily

Easter Lilies

As we prepare for the upcoming Easter celebrations, we encourage you to brighten our sanctuary with the timeless beauty of Easter lilies. The traditional Easter lilies symbolize purity, hope, and renewal, making them a perfect addition to our worship space during this special time of year.

To order your Easter lilies, simply click below. When placing your order, we invite you to accompany it with a flower dedication. This dedication can be in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special occasion, or simply as a meaningful offering to the church community.

As part of this meaningful tradition, we suggest a donation of $15 per Easter lily. Your generous donation will contribute to the beauty of our Easter worship services and the ongoing ministry of our church.

We encourage you to place your orders as soon as possible to ensure that we have an adequate number of lilies to adorn our sanctuary. The deadline for orders is April 13. If you have any problems, or prefer not to place your order online, please call the church office (478-477-4616) or contact Tammy Pallot at tammypallot@gmail.com and she will be glad to help you.

Other Events



7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12:15pm Youth Group

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7pm Choir Practice


9am Morning Prayer

5pm Daybreak Sleepout

6pm Christ Church Bicentennial service

6:30pm Winter Remedy Yoga Series

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Parochial Report Due

9am TaiChi

10am DOK Meeting

12:30pm Interment of Jim Saltar/Private

2pm Candler Birthday Party

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

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7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12:15pm Youth Group

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6pm Girl Scout Troop 60406


6:30pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Youth Fundraiser


Ash Wednesday

7am Morning Prayer with Imposition of Ashes

8am Drive Thru Ashes

12pm Noonday Prayer with Imposition of Ashes

6:30pm Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes

7pm Choir Practice

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9am Morning Prayer



9am TaiChi

4pm Game Night

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

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6am Daylight Savings Time Ends

7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

10:30am Hunger Walk

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12pm Second Sunday Simple Lunch

12pm Hunger Walk/Run

12:15pm Youth Group

5pm Contemplative Celtic Worship Service

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6pm Lenten Study at Holy Spirit


7pm Choir Practice


9am Morning Prayer

6pm Purim Festival


11:30am Joel visit


Lay Staff Report Due

9am TaiChi

10am Altar Guild Annual Meeting

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

6pm Parish Night Out at Macon Mayhem Hockey Game

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7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

9:30am Ben at SC

10:30am John McCard Presides at St. Francis

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12:15pm Youth Group

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6pm Girl Scout Troop 60406


Special Election for Local Splost

6pm Lenten Study at Holy Spirit


5:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

7pm Choir Practice

7pm Book Club

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9am Morning Prayer



Weekend Lunch

8am Church Spring Cleaning

9am TaiChi

10am Old City Flower Festival and Art Show

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

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7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

10am Old City Flower Festival and Art Show

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12:15pm Youth Group

2:30pm Vestry Meeting

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10am Old City Flower Festival and Art Show


10am Old City Flower Festival and Art Show

6pm Lenten Study with Holy Spirit at St. Francis


7pm Choir Practice


8:30am Wedding Setup/Parish Hall

9am Morning Prayer


Rehearsal Dinner


9am TaiChi

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

6pm Wedding - Caroline and Dave

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7am Day breakers AA/Gerard McGale

11am Holy Eucharist In-Person and Live on Facebook

12:15pm Youth Group

12:30pm Vicar's Celebration of Life

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Vestry Safeguarding Certification Due

Diocesan Parochial Report Addendum Due

6pm Micah, celebration of life/Parish Hall

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6pm Lenten Study with Holy Spirit at St. Francis


7pm Choir Practice


9am Morning Prayer



9am TaiChi

10am DOK Meeting

6pm AA Big Book Step Study

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