Logo -Rainbow silhouette of St. Francis with the words St. Francis Episcopal Church.


Our ministries are how we serve God and how we are changed into God’s likeness. Service to others is the heart of our life together as a family of faith.

Caring For One Another

Parish ministries include Liturgical Ministries (assist with worship services), Pastoral Ministries (how we care for one another),  Faith Formation, Music, and Leadership.

God's Hand's in the World

Outreach is about something far greater than civic volunteerism, personal altruism, or simple charity. Christian outreach is about recognizing that God is in the business of healing and reconciling this world, and we are called to be active participants in that healing.

Can we fix everything that’s broken? No. But we can bear witness to God’s love in ways large and small. It begins in our own backyard.

Support Groups

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."  - Isaiah 43:19

One way God makes a way for us through tough times is through the support of others. A variety of support groups meet on the St. Francis campus. Click the link below for more information about the groups and meeting times.

Want to get involved? We’re here to help!

We encourage you to get involved with one or more ministries.  If you need help figuring out where to start, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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