Logo -Rainbow silhouette of St. Francis with the words St. Francis Episcopal Church.


Outreach is more than volunteering or simple charity. Christian outreach is about recognizing that God is in the business of healing and reconciling this world, and we are called to be active participants in that healing.

Loaves and Fishes

handshake up close

The mission of Loaves and Fishes is to serve and improve the quality of life for the poor and homeless in Middle Georgia. Without your birth certificate, you cannot get an ID. Without an ID, you cannot get a job, cash a check, go to the doctor, secure housing, and it is very difficult to function in modern society. For many people who do not have housing or a secure place to store their documents, the necessity of an ID is a pressing issue. Loaves and Fishes helps clients navigate the difficult road back to obtaining a valid ID, which can be the first step that many take to get back on the road to self-sufficiency.  

Loaves and Fishes also provides groceries, meals, laundry services, bible class, case work, prescription assistance, and referrals to other service agencies. All services are provided free of charge.

Appleton Episcopal Ministries

four children sitting on the floor of a library smiling

The mission of Appleton Episcopal Ministries is to share God's love by partnering as parishes in the Middle Georgia Convocation of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta to promote the health, safety, education, and well-being of children and families.  

Appleton sponsors Freedom School, an intensive six-week summer reading and enrichment program developed by the Children’s Defense Fund that targets children living in underserved and impoverished communities who need to improve their reading skills and is offered free of charge to all attendees.  

Depaul USA Daybreak

Nun smiling in dayroom with homeless men

Every weekday in Macon, an average of 100 homeless men and women visit Depaul USA Daybreak to receive services that help them overcome the immediate crisis of homelessness. These services include:

  • Housing and housing placement
  • Case management
  • Breakfast and snacks
  • Laundry facilities
  • Showers
  • Free health clinic
  • Access to phones and computers
  • Transportation assistance
  • Identification and documentation

Weekend Lunch

people cooking in the Weekend Lunch kitchen

The Weekend Lunch Program aims to provide nutritious meals for low-income families and the area homeless in a safe and enjoyable environment. Every weekend, this ministry provides an average of 300 meals to the less fortunate, no questions asked. 

A team from St. Francis prepares and serves lunch approximately twelve weekends a year from the kitchen at Christ Church.  Each team consists of 4 volunteers from 10 am-noon each day. Cooking skills are not required.

For more information about volunteering at Weekend Lunch, please contact outreach@stfrancismacon.org.

Haitian Hope

collage of smiling children in Trouin, Haiti, classroom

Since 2006 Haitian Hope has partnered with the people of a small mountain village in Haiti to fund teachers for a local school, provide necessary school supplies for the 275 students, and supply meals for the students and teachers to have a hot, sustaining lunch each day.

We believe that education can empower an impoverished rural village and that the long-term relationships that sustain this project not only lead to its success but transform the partners on both sides of the world.

Haitian Hope finds effectiveness by working through established relationships that involve trust and partnership. Through these means, we have not only worked with Haitian workers to build a kitchen and run a school, but rebuilt the school after an earthquake.

Episcopal Relief and Development

3 panel image with woman in a field, small children, and a river

Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response of The Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world.

Episcopal Relief & Development faithfully administers the funds that it receives from the church and raises from other sources. It provides relief in times of disaster and promotes sustainable development by identifying and addressing the root causes of suffering.

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe to help local congregations throughout Europe provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees.

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