In the Midst of Holy Week

Dear friends and fellow journeyers,

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I hope this message finds you safe and well. For those of you who have lost your jobs, we are praying for you. For those who are sick we continue to pray for you. Please let us know if you are in need of food or anything. We may be able to help, even in this time of Holy distancing.

We are now in the middle of Holy Week. I urge you to use this time to reflect on our story of redemption and love, once again, this time though as we are immersed in pandemic. As you are able, I ask that you please join us in on-line offerings for the community but I also ask you to not fatigue yourselves with technology.

Let this time be a time of rest and reflection. Please reach out and contact those in your lives that you have lost contact with or those with whom we have grown distant or alienated. Ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness. In reality that is what Holy Week is all about.

Call (or contact) five people this week that you haven't spoken to in quite a while. Check on those in the parish whom you haven't seen or would like to know better. This is the church. Be the church. Peace, Ben+