I hope all of you are well.

Dear Parish Family,

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I hope all of you are well. Pastoral Care is working on a contact list to check on those of us who might find themselves to be a little frail in body, mind, and spirit at the moment. If you want or need to talk to me, please call the church office and leave a message if no one answers. My cell phone is 404-867-0050 also leave a message, or email me (ben@stfrancismacon.org). If you have prayer requests please let me know them.

We have been doing Morning Prayer each morning and will continue to do so. This Sunday we will stream the service at 10:30 am, Ellen might have some music to play for us Sunday morning. I hope you find a connection in this someway. I miss being in physical community but being able to be in community at all in a time like this a great benefit of our technology, something our ancestors did not have. If you wish to participate in any of these online worships opportunities you can do so through face book live. After the fact you can go to the St. Francis’ Facebook page and see past videos or on St. Francis’ Website at https://www.stfrancismacon.org/onlineworship.

I believe it is quite apparent that we will be in this mode for the foreseeable future, not the three weeks I was anticipating. We will probably not be able to gather for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, or Easter. But because of our faith, our trust, we carry the light of Christ in us always because of God the Spirit that carry’s us at all times. The spirit will blow wherever the spirit blows. Paul Says in 1st Corinthians 12:13

13 For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

The Body of Christ cannot be separated by time, space, sickness, or death. We will celebrate the Resurrection some way some how. It can’t be stopped!

Be well and follow the guidelines the health experts have set for us. Anyone finding themselves in need, please call the church office 478-477-4616 or email Pastoral Care (Pastoralcare@stfrancismacon.org). and we will contact you as to your need and how we can best respond. Peace to you all. Love each other will get us through this. Ben+